Monday, July 13, 2009

Miriam College welcomes SY-AH1N1

Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is planning to conduct an inspection against Miriam College. It is based on the issue that MC did not suspend the opening of their classes. According to CHED, Colleges within Metro Manila were advised to cancel and move their opening of classes to June 15 due to the Influenza A(H1N1) outbreak in the Philippines and at the same time, colleges have the most number of foreign students. CHED Chairman Emmanuel Angeles said that the one-week suspension would give enough time for students who have arrived from abroad to conduct self-quarantine. But Miriam College was the only college/school who didn’t follow CHED’s instructions.

Parents of MC students were quite alarmed with the said issue but still they thought that maybe Miriam College will conduct its own preventive measures inside their school for the said virus and at the same time they still believe that the school would not allow anything bad to happen with their children. Even the students were quite alarmed with the said issue but still they have no choice but to follow their school’s instruction and at the same time, they thought that their school was highly ready for the opening of classes despite the virus scare in the country. But the students were surprised when they find out that there were no thermal scanners of even thermometers in the entrance gate. The lady guards were just giving some leaflets about the said virus as if the students don’t know anything about it. It seems that nothing serious is happening around. Most of the professors were also absent during the first week of classes.

That is actually the reason why the students were not shocked when they discovered that there are already positive cases of Influenza A(H1N1) in their campus and the worst part is that MC is not reporting any positive cases of A(H1N1) in the college unit as if they’re hiding it from the media.