Friday, July 3, 2009

My Personal Lifestyle and Plans for the Future

Time really flies too fast that’s why we have to make the most out of it. Though there are a lot of obstacles that are continuously coming our way, we still have to enjoy life in its fullest. But of course, we have to strive and aim higher in order to live the life that we wish for. That’s why we need to come out of our own shell and be the best that we can be. As what I’ve mention earlier, time really flies too fast that’s why I’m really enjoying everything that is happening around me. I don’t easily get affected to the bad things that are coming my way because I know that someday everything will surely fall in their right places.

I also love to spend my time with the special people in my life. My life wouldn’t be this great without those people who inspire me in everything that I do and support me in every step of my way. And one of the things that I love doing with them, is of course, shopping. Shopping is indeed a great form of bonding especially for most women. We got to hang out and spend the whole time sharing different stuffs together while doing such. Usually when we go out with my friends, we also watch movies, eat a lot, play video games in Timezone and of course, shop a lot especially when we have saved a lot of money. When we’re in Timezone we usually play “Tekken” and “Time Crisis.” Another thing that we love doing in Timezone is of course, singing. “Videoke” is really popular among Filipinos isn’t it? There are booths in Timezone where you can sing and at the same time get to bond with your friends. This is where we sing our hearts out. Actually, I absolutely love singing but the problem is that singing doesn’t like me.

During my spare time, especially when I’m at home, I would just sit in front of my laptop and browse the net, listen to good music and watch my favorite television shows and one of my favorite shows that I even watch online is Gossip Girl. In terms of my life in school, I would have to say that I really love it. I am enjoying it even if the pressure is too much, especially now that I am in my Junior Year, that’s why I really have to become more serious with my studies. Honestly, I love everything about my course except for writing. And I really don’t understand why I find writing boring but still I have no choice, I must learn to love it because most of my subjects this semester are more on writing and I believe in due time I would also love it. I think many people would agree with me if I say that schools have been a great part in shaping our personalities because it is where we learn almost everything that we need to know and because of the fact that we spend most of our lives inside school.

So basically that’s how I live my life right now. I know it’s not as perfect as the life of others but if you would ask me how I wish my life would be, I still want it to be the way it was right now, Though I don’t easily get everything, especially the material things that I want. I am still thankful to God for giving me a wonderful family that has been always there for me and at the same time accepts me for who I am. That’s why I am trying to be the best that I can be not only for myself but also for my parents who never fail to give everything that I need in life.

One of the things that I really want in my life is to finish my studies with flying colors that’s why starting this semester I am striving really hard in school because I want my parents to become proud of me. I just want to give back to them all the hardships that they’ve encountered just to raise me up in the best way that they can and at the same time in order for me to find a good job that will best suits me in the future.